You may reach a Customer Service Representative by calling our office at (951) 928-4040 or you may Contact us by email at:
Contact Map Books 4 U or General Information.
For quotes: Please email us at Please include "Shipping Information", "Quantity", and "Product", as well as your contact information. All quotes are processed and emailed back within 48 hours unless marked "Urgent Reply Requested". Indicate special circumstances if applicable, i.e. "For Resale", "Government Tax Exempt", etc.
In Store Pick-Up: If you would like to pick up your order in store, please call us at (866) 896-6277 so we may set it up for will call. We will do our best to accommodate your needs.
Need to Pay by Check?: Payments by check must be sent to our Mailing address:
Map Books 4 U
P.O. Box 742
Nuevo, CA 92567-0742
Returning an item?: All Returns must have a return authorization number assigned within 48 hours of delivery for full refund* on unopened products with the exception of customized products, discontinued titles, clearance items, and Kappa, KMG, or MapsCo Street Guides or Street Atlases which are not returnable nor refundable. Customized products such as Laminated Thomas Guides, rock product zone, and fire zone map books are also non-returnable. GPS systems must be unopened and complete, a return authorization number must be issued within 48 hours of receipt. Rand McNally warranties the GPS Navigator System against any manufacturing defects. If this is the problem, do not return item to distributor, contact Rand McNally directly for repair or replacement.
Returns must be shipped back *PREPAID by you, via UPS or FedEx to:
Applicable warehouse address will be given depending on item.
or by Priority Mail to:
Map Books 4 U
P.O. Box 742
Nuevo, CA 92567-0742
Please be sure to purchase insurance from your chosen carrier to ensure that items either arrive safely or are covered if damaged during the return shipping.
*Shipping/Handling charges are non-refundable. There is a $45.00 charge for non-return of original wall map shipping tubes. Open items, damaged packaging, and items returned after 7 days will incur a 25% restocking charge. Items returned beyond 7 days, may possibly receive a partial refund with pre-approval.

Map Books 4 U is wishing everyone a safe winter and safe travel to your destination!