Due to a machinery replacement, please allow up to 2 weeks for laminated items to be shipped. We apologize for the inconvenience and will get laminated books shipped as quickly as possible.
Have your Thomas Guide Book laminated! Lamination makes your Thomas Guide Book markable with "Dry Erase" pens. The Thomas Guide cover, as well as each page, is carefully laminated, then bound by hand with a heavy duty wire, making your map book more durable. Our extensive list of laminated Thomas Guide map books is below. Order early for Christmas!
Laminated Thomas Guide Books make great gifts for Realtors, Truck and Taxi Drivers, Salesmen, Dispatchers, Students, Peace Officers, Military Personnel, and anyone else using a Thomas Guide map book on a daily basis! *Please allow 3 - 5 days for lamination of your Thomas Guide map book. Laminated Thomas Guide Books are done by custom order and are non-returnable. Be sure to donate your previous edition to A.R.C., Salvation Army, C.H.O.C., Good Will, or charity of your choice.
We can quote you on all of your laminated "special needs".
**Wishing you a Safe & Happy Holiday!**
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